Mumkin pizza winning champs! Congrats to Leighton Tinch, Layne Green, Sarah Beatie, Eli Freeze, Isabelle Love, and Lane Poland!
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
Mark your calendars, the Middle school volleyball team will be hosting a Volley for the Cure game on Monday, October 2 @ 5pm. Wear your pink and come cheer on the girls as they take on West Liberty! 🏐💓🏐💓🏐
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
One of these things is not like the others.....😊 #KnowYourWhy
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
Students teaching students about their assigned state (trade, religion, food, resources) with Mr. Marsh. #KnowYourWhy
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
Subject-verb agreement stations with Mrs. Lewis and Mrs. Hoellrich this morning! #KnowYourWhy
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
Did you know that MMS collects Box Tops for Education? We do! The collecting isn't only for elementary. Donate your clipped Box Tops today!
over 7 years ago, Elizabeth Porter
Wanted: Box Tops
MMS parents of 6th and 8th graders: students will be asked to participate in an anonymous Attitudes & Behaviors survey next week that focuses on the strengths and supports that youth have in their lives. The data collected will help our school and the Champaign County Drug Free Coalition offer resources to help students be successful. Please see letter for more info. #KnowOurWhy
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
Brains working hard this morning! Equation walls challenging them! #KnowYourWhy
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
Kids working hard in an Algebra station! Word problems online. #KnowYourWhy
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
Sharing about Greek gods in 7th grade social studies!! #KnowYourWhy
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
Latin Roots in 7th and 8th ELA this morning!! #KnowYourWhy
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
Latin Roots this morning in 7th and 8th ELA! #KnowYourWhy
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
Students teaching students about plate tectonics! #KnowYourWhy
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
Plate tectonics activities and learning going on in Mrs. Conley's classes today! #KnowYourWhy
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
Bus Safety Week! Practicing evacuations this morning! Thank you Matt Mayberry and all the drivers for keeping our kids safe! #KnowYourWhy
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
Good use of different resources to learn about Mesopotamia! #KnowOurWhy
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
Monday morning grind!! Students getting after it!! #KnowOurWhy
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
Getting their GCF and LCMs on today!
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
Pythagorean Theorem practice with Mrs. Jones today!!
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer
over 7 years ago, Marlo Schipfer